Web Safety

Student safety is key for parents and teachers. Arbutus has a zero tolerance policy regarding the inappropriate use of technology and bullying and harassment; however, the incidences of cyberbullying continue to increase and are generally less obvious than physical or verbal harassment.  This is something that Arbutus Global Middle School takes very seriously.  Using technology to harass other students will be treated with the utmost seriousness.

Should your child be the victim of cyberbullying, please telephone the police.  Because the vast majority of this type of abuse happens outside school via IM, text message, the web and email, they are your best resource and can provide direction on how to monitor your child’s “technology traffic” and save the bullying messages and communications.  However, always notify the principal, vice principal and/or counsellor to assist your child in dealing with his or her feelings and the very real fear of having to see the “bully” on a daily basis.

Please take a moment to talk to your child about his or her experience with cyberbullying and safe and appropriate internet use.

Here are some links and information that may help with this:

Media Smarts – Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy

A Canadian Resource on Cyberbullying