
Attendance Phone: 250-477-1878
Attendance Email: Email


Phone: 250-477-1878 – Select Option #1

Attendance is a very important focus at Arbutus due to our commitment to 21st century skills and brain development. To be a successful learner, your child needs to be here everyday to take part in the rich discussions and project work that go on at our school each day. When your child is absent, they often can’t “make up” the work because they have missed the on-going learning and discussions which are key parts of learning today. Please consider this when making holiday plans, or should your son or daughter experience a more lengthy or frequent illness.

Please note, if your child is away for any reason, it is important for us to know. Please leave a message on the attendance line, or email us at,  with your child’s name, their division number and the reason they absent. If the student will be absent for a number of days due to injury or illness, please leave a message with the range of days or email us.

If you let your student’s teacher know, please also let the attendance line know.  If the teacher is away, that message will not be relayed to the attendance line, which will result in you getting an absence call-out for your child.  Please also only email our dedicated attendance email as our general Arbutus email may not be monitored in the morning, which will result in you getting an absence call-out for your child.

If your child is late, they should sign in at the office so that attendance may be tracked. Likewise, should your child need to leave the school at any point in the day (e.g. for an appointment, due to illness, etc.), they must sign out at the office and we need parent confirmation of their early departure before they leave.