PAC Information


Arbutus Global Middle School has an active and vibrant PAC, committed to supporting parents, students and staff.

Arbutus Global Middle School Parent Advisory Council

Connecting parents to our school and community

As parents, we recognize that our children’s success at school is dependent on our interest, support and engagement in their education and the school community.

For recent meeting minutes and other info please see our PAC News

2023-24 Executive

President:  Claire Bond

Vice-President: Vacant

Treasurer:  Karen Wilson

Secretary:  Loren McClenachan

VCPAC Rep: Meredith Ruelle

Member at Large: Stanislav Konorov

Member at Large: Guoliang LI

Some activities that the PAC has organized or been engaged in:

Each year the PAC funds several community activities, including a welcome coffee, a family barbeque, hot chocolate morning, staff appreciation, parent education and other events.

We also fund a variety of needs for the school community. These include emergency supplies, food for kids who are without lunches, funds to support clubs, sports, music or arts activities. We also pay for special projects that are needed by the school.

Please email if you have any further questions or would like to be involved.


The PAC (Parent Advisory Council) generally meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm on MS Teams.  All parents are members and are invited and encouraged to attend.

2022-23 Meeting Dates:

October 17, 2023

November 21, 2023

January 16, 2024

February 20, 2024

April 16, 2024

May 21, 2024

Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will post all meeting minutes, as well as any relevant guiding documents, in the Google Drive folder linked here.

PAC meeting minutes and guiding documents