Have you penciled in “The Spring Gala” on your calendars for
Friday, April 26th? This is a PAC sponsored event with a very
important focus of fundraising this year. This year we are
fundraising to purchase and equip a storage container to serve as
our Emergency Preparedness storage centre. The estimated cost
for this storage centre is $8000.
So, how can you help? Well first off you can show up at the
event on the 26th (6:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m.). Another big way you can
help is finding silent auction items for that evening. Make a list
of all of the community members that you could call/email or ask
for a donation to the Arbutus Global Middle School Spring Gala.
After securing an item for the Silent Auction, please contact Kami
and/or Jo at arbutus.pac@vcpac.ca.
We will also be sending out official Spring Gala letters in the
coming days.